It all started with a YouTube series.
I made a show for National Geographic that explored a fundamental question: is “natural” stuff better? Natural conditioner. Natural lipstick. Natural food. In the show, I tried to make everyday consumer products (and one food!) using only all-natural ingredients.
It was hard.

Is “natural” better than “processed”?
As I was sprinkling rust into a warm mixture of oil and melted beeswax (to make lipstick), it hit me: I’m processing Nature to make stuff. In my mind, this was creepily similar to what any of the big food or consumer product companies do to make all the stuff we eat (and use).
I didn’t really talk about any of that in the show. But after it went live, I did some light Googling and came across this scientific article:
Processed food… linked with CANCER?
I did some more Googling and terrified myself some more.
I ended up in a totally different universe.
I wanted to find out how much worse processed food is than natural food. And I found answers… but to different questions. It was almost like another dimension was added to my existence.
I hope to add the same extra dimension to yours.
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